When deciding whether a rabbit is right for your family, there are several things to consider.

Long-time Friend Adopting a pet is to commit to providing a forever home. Are you willing to make an over 10-year commitment for a young rabbit? Would an older rabbit be more appropriate?

A pet for the entire family? Does everyone in the family (young and old) want a rabbit? Are they willing to put up with bunny proofing and litterbox training? Are they willing to learn to relate to the rabbit in ways other than by holding the rabbit?

Allergies Does anyone in the family have allergies? A paper in the Journal of Korean Medical Science states that “Although rabbits are common domestic pets, the development of allergic asthma and/or rhinitis attributable to rabbits at home is unusual…” Although some people are indeed allergic to rabbits, it often is the rabbit’s hay, particularly timothy hay, that is the actual allergen. An “finding out” arrangement with a rabbit rescue called foster-to-adopt (caring for a rabbit in one’s home for a time to see if you all are a good combination) is handy for testing if a person is actually allergic to a bunny. Different fur types may make a difference as well.

The Future When adopting, it’s also important to consider, what will your family be like in 5-10 years? Do you plan to move and take bunny with you? Is there a new child or older family member likely to join your residence in your future? Rabbits are more resilient and adaptable than people expect. They adjust well to new baby humans and can make great companions for older family members.

Foster First A “finding out” arrangement with a rabbit rescue called foster-to-adopt (caring for a rabbit in one’s home for a time to see if you all are a good combination) can prevent needing to return a rabbit to the adoption center later.

Please consider that…

While rabbits all have different personalities, in general, many rabbits:

  • Usually don’t appreciate being picked up.
  • Can seem boring to some children—and some adults.
  • Tend to withdraw or hide if overwhelmed by unwanted attention.
  • Are fun to watch, interact, and play with—on their terms.
  • Like to do things by themselves, rather than be made to do something; as in, they’d rather be encouraged to hop where you want them to go instead of being carried or chased there.
  • Can be shy or outgoing or a mix of the two.
  • Have strong likes and dislikes—and tend to let you know in uncertain terms which is which.
  • When feeling secure, are naturally curious and like to explore out new things and check in on what you are up to.

Got Kids?

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Got Dogs?

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Rabbits are also fascinating, much misunderstood,
intelligent, opinionated pets.

At House Rabbit Society, we believe rabbits are wonderful companions, but they’re not for everyone.

But for some, they can be life changing.

Learn about Real Rabbits Before Bringing One Home

Learning about rabbits before bringing one home can be a fun family activity! Set your entire family and your future rabbit up for success by showing your everyone how to interact safely and kindly with a rabbit.

  1. First, pour over our HRS website, houserabbit.org.
  2. Order the classic book, House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit, Fifth Edition, by HRS founder Marinell Harriman. It’s available at our Hop Shop!
  3. You can also try fostering a rabbit in need, from a shelter or rescue group, as part of your research.

In conclusion…

Most rabbits do enjoy being with people. With patience, understanding, and an acceptance of individual differences, your family can earn the rabbit’s trust, learn to appreciate your individual rabbit, and enjoy a long time together.



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