Another Hot Weather Hazard

Fly strike, or myiasis, occurs when flesh-eating flies lay eggs on rabbits, and the maggots consume the rabbit’s flesh. Flies are attracted to wet. Fly strike can happen in any season, but it’s especially common during the summer when flies are most prevalent.

Check your rabbit’s genitals regularly and other vulnerable areas such as where there may be a wound, mats, feces, or urine.
  • Keep your rabbit indoors.
  • Use screens on windows and doors to keep flies out.
  • Regularly empty your rabbit’s litterbox.
  • Regularly wash the blankets and other bedding items in your rabbit’s pen.
  • Prevent your rabbit’s fur from getting wet or soiled. Try using moisture-wicking fabrics like Palace Pet bedding.
  • Trim or shave your rabbit’s fur when necessary to keep them dry.
  • Tiny, cream-colored eggs or crawling maggots (grubs or worm-like creatures) on the rabbit’s skin or fur

If you spot any eggs or actual maggots in your rabbit’s fur, contact an experienced rabbit veterinarian immediately, as maggots can cause severe shock within 24 hours and result in death.

Keeping a close watch on your rabbit and proper hygiene
are essential in preventing fly strike.

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